What is the service life of solar modules?

Glass-glass solar modules have a service life of up to 50 years. High quality glass-film solar modules last more than 25 years.

What are solar cells?

Solar cells are electrical cells that convert UV radiation from light emitted by the sun into usable electrical energy. They are usually made of silicon, which is extracted from sand. They are the little squares you see on the solar panel.

The same beam of light that the sun emits also contains infrared light (which is the heat we experience from sunlight)

Heat or infrared light is experienced by cells as less comfortable. A cell that heats up produces less electricity.

For this reason, among others, PhaseLux has chosen to produce only glass-glass panels with a transparent background.

This allows the infrared energy to shine through the panel more easily and is therefore absorbed less.

Instead, the infrared energy acts on the surface behind the panels, where it is converted into heat and dissipated more easily.

An additional effect of the transparent back is that a large part of the irradiated and initially lost UV energy is reflected onto the substrate, from where it is recaptured by the solar cells and converted into direct current.

What is an inverter?

The electricity generated by a solar system is not directly suitable for use in the home and feeding back into the grid. An inverter is an electrical device that converts the direct current generated into alternating current for electrical use. So every solar power system needs an inverter.

What about solar panels and fire hazard?

All solar modules available on the market are tested for fire safety. However, the degree of fire resistance of solar modules varies.

What are micro-cracks?

Micro-cracks are hairline cracks in solar cells. Microcracks are often not visible to the naked eye. They become visible during an EL test (electroluminescence test), a type of X-ray image of the solar module.

PhaseLux performs this test regularly as part of its quality system after production and transport of the modules.

What is the difference between kWh and kWp?

KWh is the abbreviation for kilowatt hour. For solar panels, the number kWh means how much electricity the panel generates. 1 kWh of electricity is the same amount of energy that provides 1 kW (1000 watts) of power for 1 hour. KWh is also the unit you see on the energy meter and use to indicate your energy consumption.

KWp stands for kilowatt peak. 1 kWp is equal to 1000 Wp. Watt-peak power indicates how much sunlight the module converts into electricity under certain standard conditions, also called standard test conditions. So this does not automatically mean that a 200 Wp panel will actually generate 200 watts.

Solar panel output in kWh is determined in part by Wp output (kWp), but also by quality, the technology used, and environmental factors such as the location of the panel.

In summary, you can think of kWh as the energy output of the solar module and Wp output as the power output of the solar module under standard test conditions.

We calculate the expected yield of a solar module in kWh using a conversion factor based on the number of hours of sunshine and the light intensity. On average, we use a conversion factor of 0.9 for an ideal situation in the Netherlands. This means that the solar modules are free of shadows at an angle of 33 degrees and face south. So the conversion factor for your situation depends on the location and angle of the roof. An example calculation for converting Wp output to kWh per year:

0.9 * Wp output = yield in kWh per year.

So in an ideal situation, a 400 Wp panel has an expected yield of 360 kWh per year.

This yield can be influenced by the choice of other components in the system.

To ensure quality, PhaseLux always recommends choosing micro-inverters that will positively affect your system’s yield not only in the long term, but also safely.

What is PID and are PhaseLux solar modules tested for it?

PID is the abbreviation for “Potential Induced Degradation”: reduced power due to a

potential difference. With PID, part of the electrical charge escapes from the solar module, leaving less charge in the module. As a result, the voltage decreases and therefore the power automatically decreases. PhaseLux solar modules are certified 100% PID-free.

Is solar energy better than wind energy?

Both solar and wind energy are renewable energy sources that do not emit CO during energy production. Both forms of energy are needed. And why? To meet climate goals and move to a completely carbon-neutral energy system, more green energy is needed. Wind turbines generate a lot of energy in the winter, when the wind blows harder. Solar panels generate more energy in the summer when the sun is shining. The

two forms of energy complement each other very well.

However, there is a difference in application. Solar panels are ideal for small applications on homes and in the built environment. Wind turbines are for large projects on land, such as open fields or the ocean.

Solar panels require little maintenance, have a long life, and can be installed without a permit. The yield is also much higher for small installations. Wind turbines require a permit and require a lot of maintenance.

Where can I buy PhaseLux solar modules?

PhaseLux solar modules can be purchased from good installers that we have approved. This way we can guarantee that the solar modules will be installed safely and in accordance with current regulations. This

This benefits the performance of the solar system and ensures a beautiful appearance of the system, both inside and outside.

What are the disadvantages of solar modules?

Solar modules have many advantages. Nevertheless, it is important to mention possible disadvantages as well, which you should include in your considerations. The disadvantages of solar panels:

It is a big investment

This means that you will have less savings immediately after the investment. On the other hand, the return is higher than on your bank/savings account. Carefully check your financial situation and if you are eligible for grants or a green loan.

However, your home will increase in value immediately after you purchase a PV system.

The panels may be visible

On some roofs, solar panels are highly visible. Some people find this disturbing. However, nowadays there are nice solutions that are less visible, such as completely black solar panels or solar panels that are integrated into the roof.

Changes to the meter box

If solar panels are installed on your home, the meter box will need to be adjusted. This, of course, costs money. The installer can advise you on this.

My house is very shady. Can I still get yields from solar panels?

Solar panels are naturally most productive when they capture as much direct sunlight as possible.

Because solar modules are connected to each other, the presentation depends on the module that produces the least amount of energy. If one module is in the shade, the other modules facing the sun will also provide less energy. Therefore, it is important to check where shade might occur. To ensure that the shadow of one module does not affect the energy output of the other modules, so-called

Optimizers or micro-inverters can be used.

If there is shade on the roof, it is important to determine how long during the day this is the case. If part of the roof is shaded for much of the day in the spring and summer, have your installer do a calculation so you can weigh whether the investment is still worth it for you.

PhaseLux designed the Symphony for shaded roofs because the added amorphous silicon ensures light output even in shaded conditions.

PhaseLux recommends the use of micro-inverters, even for non-shaded installations.

Can I install solar modules somewhere other than on my roof?

Of course! Solar modules can be mounted in different ways. PhaseLux develops solar modules for different situations. Besides solar modules for roofs, we also have special solar modules for use in carports, verandas, facades, etc..

Are solar modules resistant to hail?

Yes. Glass-glass solar modules can withstand extreme weather conditions such as hail.

Glass-foil solar modules, on the other hand, are not designed to withstand extreme hailstorms and can therefore suffer visible as well as invisible damage (micro-cracks in the cells).

What is the Wp-peak power?

Watt peak power indicates how much sunlight the module converts into electricity under certain standard conditions, also known as standard test conditions.

These standard conditions are the same for all manufacturers. That is, what does the manufactured module produce when irradiated with 1000 watts of light in a laboratory environment at 25 °C.

A high Wp output does not always mean that the panel will produce the most. The decisive factor is the effective yield: the ratio of power to energy yield. This depends on factors such as the location, the dimensions and the quality of the panel.

Can I install solar modules on a flat roof?

Yes, solar modules can be installed on a pitched roof as well as on a flat roof. When installing on a flat roof, a certain amount of clearance must be left to the edge of the roof so that the solar modules are not visible from the street.

Can I install PhaseLux solar modules myself?

PhaseLux solar modules are always installed by a certified PhaseLux partner.

Installing a solar power system requires a lot of expertise. After all, the solar modules must be installed correctly. This is the only way to ensure that the solar modules are installed safely and in accordance with the applicable regulations. This benefits the performance of the solar power system, and it is important that the system is well finished, both inside and out.

In this way, PhaseLux can monitor the quality of the system so that you can benefit from the special insured warranty (see Warranty page).

Is there a PhaseLux installer near me?

Thanks to our large network of partners, there is usually a PhaseLux installer near you. PhaseLux strives daily to have a good quality dealer network with a good distribution.

This also allows PhaseLux to monitor the quality system so that you can benefit from the special insured warranty (see warranty page).

Are PhaseLux solar modules of good quality?

PhaseLux stands for quality and we use only the best materials to manufacture our solar modules. We expose our modules to the most extreme conditions in various test laboratories. Various studies rate the solar modules of PhaseLux as ”very good”. We are the only company on the market to offer comprehensive, free all-risk insurance for 35 years in an independent, but PhaseLux-affiliated, foundation

Guarantee Fund.

This goes beyond the comprehensive guarantee on the performance and yield of the PhaseLux Solar Modules.

Are PhaseLux solar modules certified?

Yes. If PhaseLux is available in your country, we have made every effort in advance to meet your country’s requirements and regulations.

PhaseLux panels are therefore offered and tested at certification bodies known for your country.


How are PhaseLux solar modules tested?

Our solar modules are extensively tested for quality and durability by various testing laboratories. For example, SPhaseLux solar modules are suitable for use near the coast, which has been proven in a salt spray test, and suitable for use in livestock, which has been proven in an ammonia resistance test. Our solar modules are also subjected to the toughest tests to determine their resistance to hail and fire. With good results!

How do I maintain my solar modules?

Solar modules are cheap to run and require very little maintenance. Any dirt will be washed off by rain. However, it is important to check this regularly. If dirt is left behind, it may be advisable to have the panels cleaned in order to prevent yield loss.

To check if the solar panels are still working well, it is a good idea to occasionally check the performance of the solar panels through the inverter monitoring software.

What should I look for when buying solar modules?

Buying solar modules is a considerable investment. Therefore, it is important to make the right decisions when buying solar modules. We advise you to pay attention to the following factors when buying solar modules:


The product quality


The right manufacturer


An expert installer


Your energy consumption




The long term return